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Showing posts from May, 2018

4- Steps that Help Out of the Funk

Dear Debs, Podcasting is awesome! Never was one to listen to a Podcast and now I'm HOOKED. While listening to a Podcast I heard a Christian author/speaker/leader figure saying, " Readers follow blogs and they start to believe the bloggers experience has to become theirs "... to my readers I propose to not limit yourself and think that my life experience will be your life experience. When I share my journey it is so that you are encouraged. It is for you to know that you are not alone. As Christian women from a new generation we tend to gravitate towards the simplicity of an online community. This is okay, but I can't stress enough to never stop congregating  Hebrews 10:25-27 Having said that, today I want to write about the journey of getting out of a funk (or a few funks). The daily mundane brings mental road blocks that can snowball and turn into an emotional torture-wheel. This emotional/mental torture-wheel then turns into depression followed by sadness an

5 Tips to Study The Bible

Reading the bible can be pretty intimidating. But at the same time... The Bible is a beautiful Love Letter from God. The bible is a book that was written thousands of years ago. The language, text style and paraphrases are its own kind of literature. The bible is a book inspired by the spirit of God- written by men. The approach and mindset we adopt before reading the bible will help us set up for gaining the most out of the reading time we decide to invest.  The Old Testament takes about 1,000 years to make. It is filled with prophesy, accounts on all sorts of human dysfunction and magnificent accounts on historical events, that although not recognized by history books, leave some surprise when we learn archeologist findings that substantiate stories in the Old Testament. Fun fact: some Old testament books are written in poetry style. The New Testament took approximately 50 yrs to complete. The first four books are accounts of the birth, life, baptism, miracles and deat

The Good Shepherd

On my journey back to the Lord I slowly, but surely realized I was going to have to let go of a lot of things in my life. These things we can't avoid; our own will, our self-righteousness and judgement and the way we are self-trained by life to deal with disillusions, heartbreaks, rejection and anger. However, there came a point where I knew I was not dealing with any of these things the best way I could. Staying transparent to you is a goal I desire to keep transmitting through my blogs. I recognize my broken relationships, my anxiety, self pity, resentments and unhappiness were consuming my mind and heart and I had no peace. I had no safe place. I had no hope. All I did was dig deeper and deeper into this dark and deep black hole. In this Blog I want to share some of the very real struggles I had and some of the struggles I still face today. #TheStruggleIsReal, BUT NOW with JESUS so are the #BLESSINGS ... can I get an amen? The word of God says Jesus relayed a story about a sh