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Just in case

So many times I have found myself worrying about my future. Wondering about my purpose. The truth is that even when I think I reached the point of self-realization and fulfillment, I have to do it all over again that day.

Just this past week I struggled with coming up with a Plan B, just in case I lost my job. I left home and became independent at 18 years old. I've mentioned before, I strongly believe leaving home so young is the reason why I struggle with the constant thought of a backup plan in the event I lose my job, or become sick, or get evicted... there's a lot of "what if's", but those are my main ones.

Then the holy spirit of God spoke loud and clear. I actually faced all of the above.

See right before I moved to Orlando the main contract agreement that secured my job was terminated, but God was a few steps ahead of me. I had to make the decision of leaving South Florida a few weeks prior to the contract termination announcement. The president of the corporation met with all of us, the management team, to give us the bad news on the Monday of my last week before moving to Orlando. God prearranged everything and He had already taken care of what I needed before I even knew it!

The word of God in the book of Matthew 6:8 says that God knows what we need even before we ask.  And in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 the word says, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future", but it is easy to forget this promise. It became easy for me to stress over ideas in my mind that were trying to steal my peace.

Be careful when one idea snowballs and steals your peace. You need to quickly identify that these thoughts that are stressing you out are trying to keep you distracted and away from God.

When we struggle with stress we limit God. Notice I did not say we stop Him. God is God and His plans and promises endure, but it is so much more difficult to notice what God is doing in our life when we are clouded with the worry of what tomorrow will bring.

A good story to illustrate this is from the Father of faith, Abraham.
God had promised Abraham and his wife Sarah a baby, but they were of age and doubted God.  Sarah wanted a baby so desperately she told Abraham to sleep with one of their servants, Hagar. When Hagar had a baby boy and that young boy grew closer and closer to Abraham things became hostile in the household. Then Sarah had the baby God had promised, but the family drama got bad and Hagar and her son were kicked out of the home. A lot of suffering and consequences can happen when we make choices under stress. Hagar's name means flight. Have you heard of fight-or-flight?

We have the option of trusting God today. We have the ability to pick faith over fear. Psalm 46:10 says "Be still and know that I am God", and yes this is not easy because our free will is one of the biggest gifts God has given us, but I encourage you to steward this gift with patience, gentleness and faith and know that God is good and He will not leave you stranded.

What imaginary scenarios have been stressing you out this week? Can you think of a time when you know God came through for you? If you can, write it down. Keep a journal of things that you experience with God and use it to remind yourself of the times God has come through.


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